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Husk Preorder Bundle

Husk Preorder Bundle

Regular price $32.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $32.00 USD
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For a limited time, the Husk pre-order bundle includes:

  • A signed first-edition hardcover of Husk
  • The ebook version to easily load on your Kindle, computer, or other reader
  • The complete audiobook

You'll receive the hardcover and ebook during the week before launch day (5/27/2025). The audiobook will be delivered when it's completed in early July.

This bundle will only be offered as a preorder special. Once the book has launched, the ebook and audiobooks formats will be sold separately on Amazon. 

Immortality awaits… but at what cost?

As a Tech, Isaac maintains the servers housing humanity’s collective consciousness. Tomorrow he turns twenty-five—old enough to transfer into the digital paradise of Meru. Virtual immortality will be his in a world free from the death and disease that plagues what’s left of civilization.

But when tragedy strikes, Isaac discovers Meru may not be the paradise he thought. Powerful forces are conspiring to destroy it, and the ones he trusts most have turned against him.

Outcast. Abandoned. Exiled. Isaac must uncover the truth about Meru before it’s too late. And before he suffers a fate he thought was confined to the history books: 


Husk: Book 1 of the Meru Initiative is Nathaniel Eliason’s latest action-packed sci-fi adventure: a gripping journey and vibrant world that forces you to question what makes you human.

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